Throughout the year, opportunities will arise for families to take time away from school for vacations or family visits.  We understand the importance of such opportunities and parents need to make choices on what is best for their kids.  We would certainly encourage that these opportunities be taken outside of school days but understand that it is not always possible, based on family circumstances.  However, when a child misses consecutive days at school their learning is impacted as the activities that take place in a classroom cannot be replicated through worksheets or packages.  Because of this, we are not in the position to provide assignments for children who have extended absences due to family plans.  Rather a list of suggested activities which are designed to assist parents with planning for their child’s educational needs while traveling, are listed below.  We will be happy to see what your child has accomplished upon his or her return, but will not be evaluating or marking these activities.  It is your right to take your child out of school due to family circumstances, but once you have exercised that privilege, you must also accept the responsibility of your child’s education during that absence.

  • Set aside a time each day for reading books.  As school textbooks and library books cannot be taken on extended absences, you may wish to acquire several paperback novels or children’s magazines suitable for your child’s age and reading ability.
  • Have your child keep a reading response journal in which he or she records this reading activity and thoughts about what has been read that day.  There are many ways of structuring this, depending on how much time the parent and child are willing to devote.
  • Keep a scrapbook of special places or sightseeing. This can include postcards, pamphlets, drawings, etc., with some student writing or labeling. Maps with routes marked on them and short paragraphs about the historical significance of certain landmarks would be useful additions.
  • Have your child keep a “math journal” or ledger, dealing with changes in time and currency, distances travelled, cost of fuel and meals... lots of real life practice with numbers and your child can help to check the VISA bill when you get home.